HomeISSUEFan Signs and "Rock Bottom" of Human Rights… Criticism of HIVE's Apology...

Fan Signs and “Rock Bottom” of Human Rights… Criticism of HIVE’s Apology and ‘Underwear Inspection’ Continues


Despite HIVE’s apology, the controversy surrounding the fan sign event of the group &TEAM remains hot.

On the 8th, &TEAM held a fan sign event to celebrate the release of their second mini-album, ‘First Howling: WE.’ The event, which was a Korean fan event following their activities in Japan, raised high expectations among many fans. Especially, the event gained attention for selecting 100 winners, which was uncommon after the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, contrary to expectations, negative reviews poured in immediately after the fan sign event. Some staff members conducted body searches to find fans who hid recording devices on their bodies, and during this process, there were allegations of unnecessary sexual harassment.

One fan stated, “They started touching me, saying it was for a breast examination, and then dragged me, asking, ‘Do you have a watch?’ They took me to a small space and told me to lift my clothes. I had no choice but to comply, and at that moment, someone opened the door and saw me being subjected to an underwear inspection. I felt extremely embarrassed and violated in terms of human rights.” The fan particularly mentioned that they did not have any recording devices.

Similar reviews describing similar incidents continued to emerge, and voices calling for legal action against illegal body searches and sexual harassment grew louder.


In response, on the 9th, the organizing company, Weverse Shop, apologized, stating, “Due to multiple cases of fans attempting to smuggle electronic devices, security body checks were conducted by female security personnel to confirm this. We deeply apologize for causing discomfort to the fans who attended the event with joy.”

Despite the apology from the organizing company, fans’ anger did not subside. They criticized HIVE for justifying sexual harassment by citing “security reasons” and expressed even greater displeasure.

In particular, Weverse Shop explained the previous situation by stating, “Fan sign events provide a one-on-one conversation opportunity between artists and fans, and to prevent the leakage of recorded content to the outside and to avoid situations where both fans and artists face difficulties, the importation of electronic devices capable of recording and filming has been strictly restricted.”

In response, fans pointed out that artist education should take precedence over monitoring fans to prevent potential issues.

Meanwhile, through the audition program ‘& Audition Howling’ produced by HIVE Labels Japan, &TEAM confirmed the lineup of nine members: K, Nicholas, EJ, Taki, Jo, Harua, Maki, Yuma, and Fuma. As the first Japanese group produced by Bang Si-hyuk, the overall producer, they gained popularity and swept the Oricon charts.

Source : Xportsnews

Photo: HIVE

Edited by JW

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